How can stakeholders participate and share their ideas and knowledge on remanufacturing in the RemaNet project?

 That was the key question in the 1st Stakeholder Meeting of  the EU project on the 5th of december 2024. Around 40 participants from different european countries had the opportunity to connect to RemaNet partners and other stakeholders.  This event allowed to  gather more detailed knowledge on the planned platform and the use cases.

In the first part of the meeting, a video with a presentation of an AI-generated moderator was shown to the audience to inform about the project idea. This was a first overview on the motivation and background idea of RemaNet. After the introduction, an interview with the lead partners Paolo Albertelli (Politecnico di Milano) and Massimo Goletti (Consorzio MUSP) demonstrated that everyone can participate and share their knowledge on the planned platform. It is crucial for the platform to get feedback from all stakeholder groups such as customers, manufacturers and producers, research community as well as policy makers. The audience in the stakeholder meeting was mainly from the research community (52 %) and manufacturers and producers (32 %).

In the following presentation on the platform by Paolo Albertelli, the infrastructure was shown as well as the process of integrating the use cases. The discussion with the plenum offered some good ideas and suggestions on the work process.

After a short break, the use cases were presented in two sessions. Session 1 was on use cases 1a (cutting tools) and 1b (mold & dies), which were presented by Alessandra Bruno (Consorzio MUSP), as well as use case 4 (energy), which was presented by Steffen Jahrmarcht (Siemens Energy). Session 2 was about use case 2 (electrical motors), which was presented by Umberto Bottero (Spin), and use case 3 (automotive), which was presented by Anas Naggay (PWT/TU Darmstadt). It was very interesting to get a more detailedinsight about the remanufacturing process of the parts, the logistic steps behind the process and the ideas for integrating the remanufacturing process in the platform. Other topics, like the use of production data and possible business models arising from the use of a powerful platform were also analysed shortly.

We thank all participants, and we are looking forward to the next Stakeholder Meeting in 2025!

More information on the project can be find here and on the project website!

Report Stakeholder Meeting