Since 2006 Umweltcluster Bayern has realized various cleantech projects in Germany as well as with international partners.
In the following, you will find a selection of our completed projects:
KICE (2022-2023)
KI stands for "Künstliche Intelligenz" (Artificial Intelligence). The project aimed at linking AI with Circular Economy. (funded by StMWi)
rebana (2022)
rebana focused on the ientification of transfer potentials of the Bavarian Bioeconomy Strategy on an international level. (funded by StMWi)
Circular 4.0 (2019-2022)
The main objective of the CIRCULAR4.0 project was to strengthen digitalisation processes by SMEs to foster innovation processes and accelerate the transition towards Circular Economy (CE) in Alpine Space. (funded by EU Interreg Alpine Space program)
AddRE-Mo (2019-2022)
AddRE-Mo project focused on resource conservation and value retention networks for urban electromobility through additive and re-manufacturing. (funded by BMBF)
wellianceHOSPITALITY (2020-2022)
The focus of Welliance was to connect European SMEs with tourism and contract-hospitality markets in Mexico, South Africa and USA. (funded within the European COSME programme / Call: COS-CLUSINT-2019-3-01 / Cluster Go International).
WeReLaNa (2021-2022)
The project aimed at the creation of value-added networks for the use of residues in and from agriculture and food industry as an innovation driver for bioeconomy. (funded by StMWi)
Innovation Forum "Bio-Based Packaging" (2019-2020)
The was to gather expertise and provide an ecosystem for knowledge exchange and the development of innovation through working groups and webinars. A special focus was on recyclability of bio-based materials in order to enhance circularity. (funded by BMBF) www
BioCaBa (2018-2020)
BioCaBa's aim was to extend the value chains of biomass utilization in Cauca Valley (Colombia) and Bavaria. Evaluation of the potential of the energetic use of residues from agriculture as well as from the food industry in Valle del Cauca. (with Cluster de Bioenergía Cali, funded by BMBF)
MOVECO (2016-2019)
Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy. (16 partners from Danube Region, funded by EU Interreg Danube Transnational Programme) www
Circular Economy in the Construction Industry (2018-2019)
Cross-cluster project about recycling potential for construction materials in Bavaria with special focus on thermal insulation systems and bricks. (with New Materials Cluster and Energy Technology Cluster, funded by StMWi)
Start-up Companies as Innovation Drivers for SMEs (2018-2019)
Cross-cluster project about startup-driven innovation potential for SMEs in the cleantech and chemical industry. (with Chemical Cluster Bavaria, funded by StMWi)
MAI UCB (2017)
Cross-cluster project about recycling and utilization of carbon-fiber reinforced plastics. (with MAI Carbon, funded by StMWi)
Sustainable solutions for an industrial park in China (2016)
Concept study and consultation on environmentally friendly solutions (e.g. waste management, water treatment) for an industrial zone in Central China (together with a consortium of architects and environmental engineers).
Innovative environmental technologies in the Mexican Tequila industry (2015)
Evaluation of the biomass potential for energetic utilization for the German Society for International Cooperation (together with a consortium of biowaste expert members).
Environmental Technology meets... (2013-14)
Development and implementation of cross-sectoral cooperations, e.g. food industry, mechatronics. (funded by BMWi)
Competence network biogas SFA (2013)
Holistic approach to the entire biogas value chain - from the harvesting of renewable resources to the transportation and storage as well as biogas production and feeding-in. (together with 15 companies and 4 scientific and public partners, funded by BMWi)
NeWaTec (2012-2014)
German-Indian network for innovative water solutions. (funded by BMWi)
EcoCluP (2010-2012)
Eco-innovative cluster partnership for growth and internationalisation. (together with European 12 cleantech clusters, funded by EuropeInnova / European Commission)
ExpertsClub – Energy from Biomass
The ExpertsClub was a service initiative of Umweltcluster Bayern for its member companies. It aimed at the realization of R&D cooperation and projects in the fields of biogas and the utilization of organic residues.